javascript - Angular: How to show icon.png depending on the attribute of a item? -
i have array of objects looks this: [{"name":"steve", "hourly_wage":16, "status":"part-time"}, {"name":"maria", "hourly_wage":25, "status":"full-time"}, {"name":"jose", "hourly_wage":21, "status":"former"}] i want display icon each person's employment status. full circle full time, half circle part time , empty circle former. how can go doing in javascript/angular? i'm thinking if statement of sort inside ng-hide? most generic way in opinion create mapping, use it. js: $scope.statusiconmapping = {"part-time": "half_circle.jpg", "full-time": "full_circle.jpg", "former": "empty_circle.jpg" }; markup: <div ng-repeat="employee in employees"> ... <img src="{{statusiconmapping[employee.status]}}" /> <...