android studio - Which Git/bitbucket Repositories structure choose for Parse Projects with CloudCode + AndroidStudio? -

i have parse project includes android application developed on androidstudio , javascript parse cloud code (+web hosting). i'm using git on bitbucket versioning. i'm wondering how organize repository(ies) in order to:

  • have separate commits between 2 sub projects: cloud code , android code (in order have easy revert each subprojects …)
  • have common release between these both subprojects (that must works obviously).
  • have common parent directory check out both sub-projects

if use single repository (in parent directory) this:

parent-platformdir                  /.git                 /myandroidstudioproject                 /mycloudcodeapp 

then when link androidstudio git vcs detect cloud code modifications , might mix commit between these 2 subprojects.

i know there features gitsubmodule of gitsubtree, it's not clear @ , i'm afraid doesn't suit need.

so kind of git repository architecture suit best?


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