javascript - Using Jquery inside of Razor -

i'm trying pass string javascript razor actionlink

string filtering =$("#hello").val();

@html.actionlink(name, controllername, new { sort = columm, order = orderby, filters = filtering })

but i'm not able access variable, try @:filtering or "@filtering" doesn't work anyway,

how can pass variable controller?

if want send or post data controller's action may try this...

 <input type="submit" id="btnfilter" value="filter" name="btnfilter" />  $('#btnfilter').click(function () {          var sort = sortvalue;         var order = ordervalue;         var filter= filtervalue;     $.ajax({             type: 'post',             url: '@url.action(actionname, controllername)',             data:'{"sort":"' + sort+ '","order":"' + order+ '","filter":"' + filter+ '"}',             contenttype: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',             datatype: 'json',             success: function (result) {               },             error: function () {              }         });  }); 

then.... in controller action

public actionresult actionname(string sort ,string order , string filter) {     // here.... } 


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