c++ - Smart or raw pointers when implementing data structures? -

i have been reading , experimenting standard library's smart pointers, unique_ptr , shared_ptr , although great replacements lot of cases raw pointers might deemed dangerous unsure of use when implementing data structures.

to experiment, have written example of hash map uses shared_ptr - according meyer's effective modern c++ double size of unique_ptr. reason use unique_ptr kind of stumped due performing in add function, updating , copying.

does have suggestions problem? should data structures remain written using raw pointers?

#pragma once #include "core.h"  const int table_size = 256;  template<typename k> class hashkey { public:     unsigned long operator()(const k& p_key) const {         return (p_key) % table_size;     } };  template<typename k, typename t> class hashnode { public:     k m_key;     t m_value;     std::shared_ptr<hashnode> next = nullptr; };   template<typename k, typename t, typename f = hashkey<k>> class hashmap { public:     std::array< std::shared_ptr< hashnode<k, t> >, 128 > m_table;     f m_hash_function;     int m_elem_count{ 0 };      void add(k p_key, t p_value); };  template<typename k, typename t, typename f = hashkey<k>> void hashmap<k, t, f>::add(k p_key, t p_value) {     unsigned long key = m_hash_function(p_key);      std::shared_ptr<hashnode<k, t>> new_node = std::make_shared<hashnode<k, t>>();     new_node->m_key = p_key;     new_node->m_value = p_value;       if (m_table[key] == nullptr) {         /* item in bucket */         m_table[key] = std::move(new_node);         m_elem_count++;     }     else {         /* check if item exists replaced */         std::shared_ptr< hashnode<k, t> > current = m_table[key];         std::shared_ptr< hashnode<k, t> > previous = m_table[key];         while (current != nullptr && p_key != current->m_key ) {             previous = current;             current = current->next;         }         if (current == nullptr) {             previous->next = new_node;             //current = new_node;             m_elem_count++;         }         else {             current->m_value = p_value;         }      } }  void testhashmap() {      hashmap<int, std::string> hash_map;      hash_map.add(1, "one");     hash_map.add(2, "does");     hash_map.add(3, "not");     hash_map.add(50, "simply");     hash_map.add(11, "waltz");     hash_map.add(11, "into");     hash_map.add(191, "mordor");      std::cout << hash_map.m_elem_count << std::endl; } 

the choice of smart pointer depends on how data structure "owns" heap-allocated objects.

if need observe, , not own object (independently of whether heap-allocated or not), raw pointer, reference or std::reference_wrapper appropriate choice.

if need unique ownership (at 1 owner of heap-allocated object), use std::unique_ptr. has no additional time/memory overhead.

if need shared ownership (any number of owners of heap-allocated object), use std::shared_ptr. results in additional time/memory overhead because additional pointer (to reference count metadata) has stored, , because accessing guaranteed thread-safe.

there's no need use std::unique_ptr (in place of raw pointer) unless need own object.

assuming need own object, there's no need use std::shared_ptr (in place of std::unique_ptr) unless need shared ownership semantics.

in case, looks have maximum of heap nodes in hashmap. therefore, i'm assuming want the hashmap instance unique owner of nodes.

what type should use?

template<typename k, typename t, typename f = hashkey<k>> class hashmap { public:     std::array</* ? */, 128 > m_table;     // ... }; 

you have 2 options:

  1. if want store objects heap indirection, use std::unique_ptr, unique owner of these heap-allocated object , hashmap instance.

  2. if want store objects directly hashmap, no heap indirection, not use pointer @ all. lead big hashmap instances. interface accessing next nodes becomes cumbersome.

option 1 (store nodes in heap):

this common, , best option.

template<typename k, typename t, typename f = hashkey<k>> class hashmap { public:     std::array<std::unique_ptr<hashnode<k, t>>, 128 > m_table;     // ... }; 

this result in lighter (in terms of memory footprint) hashmap instances.

note: using std::vector in place of std::array reduce size of hashmap significantly, introduce additional heap indirection. this common way of implementing similar data structure. want hashmap instance lightweight possible, can copied/moved/stored efficiently.

there's no need use smart pointers connect nodes between each other, nodes owned exclusively hashmap. raw pointer sufficient.

template<typename k, typename t> class hashnode { public:     // ...     hashnode* next_ptr = nullptr;     auto& next()      {          assert(next_ptr != nullptr);         return *next_ptr;     } }; 

the code above work fine, assuming hashmap still alive when accessing next.

option 2 (store nodes in map instance):

template<typename k, typename t, typename f = hashkey<k>> class hashmap { public:     std::array<hashnode<k, t>, 128 > m_table;     // ... }; 

hashmap instances may enormous, depending on size of hashnode<k, t>.

if choose store nodes directly hashmap no heap indirection, have use index access internal array, moving/copying hashmap around change memory address of nodes.

template<typename k, typename t> class hashnode { public:     // ...     int next_index = -1;     auto& next(hashmap& map)      {          assert(next_index != -1);         return map.m_table[next_index];      } }; 


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