sublimetext2 - Sublime Text: How to jump to file from Find Results using keyboard? -
if file > find in files... ⇧ + ⌘ + f you're brought find results , listing files , highlighted matches. can double-click either filename/path or matched line open file @ right line. i wonder if there way double-click via keyboard? with sublimes great file switching capabilities, thought there must way keep hands on keyboard when doing find in files... . it appears plugin has been created this. took quick look, there additional features in plugin. while original answer below work, easier install existing plugin. doable plugin. import sublime import sublime_plugin import re import os class findinfilesgotocommand(sublime_plugin.textcommand): def run(self, edit): view = self.view if == "find results": line_no = self.get_line_no() file_name = self.get_file() if line_no not none , file_name not none: file_loc = ...