c# - Replacing the character between angle brackets -

story: have list box shows methods of current application. need colorize method parameters' data type blue.

solution: first, extract content between parenthesis. second, want split them comma

problem: if arguments entail idictionary<string, string> occurs multiple times, above solution faces problem!! thus, decided first grab content between angle brackets , replace comma "#comma#" , after performing task using above solution replace "#comma#" ",". but, based on solution found here, not possible set value match.value. here code:

if (methodargumenttype.contains("<") && methodargumenttype.contains(">"))         {             var regex = new regex("(?<=<).*?(?=>)");             foreach (match match in regex.matches(methodargumenttype))             {                 match.value = match.value.replace(",", "#comma#");             }         } 

any suggestion highly appreciated.

you need replace matched value inside match evaluator within regex.replace:

var methodargumenttype = "idictionary<string, string>"; if (methodargumenttype.contains("<") && methodargumenttype.contains(">")) {     methodargumenttype = regex.replace(methodargumenttype, @"<([^<>]+)>",          m => string.format("<{0}>", m.groups[1].value.replace(",", "#comma#"))); } console.writeline(methodargumenttype); // => idictionary<string#comma# string> 

here, m.groups[1].value hold string, string , replacement done on input string itself, not regex.match object.


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