Printf & Scanf in assembly languange x86 using notepad++ and ollydebugger -

can explain me how scanf , printf works in assembly? enter 1 number , when try print number again random character. here's code:

  .data   msg1 db "n=",0   msg2 db "n is:",0   n dd 0   formatd db "%d",0   .code   start: push offset msg1 ; put msg1 on stack call printf  ; print msg1 add esp,8 ; clear stack push offset n ; put n on stack push offset formatd ; put n format on stack call scanf ; write n value add esp,12 ; clear stack mov ebx,n ; copy n in ebx push offset msg2 ; put msg2 on stack call printf ; print msg2 push ebx ; put n on stack push offset formatd ; put n format on stack  call printf ; print n value add esp,20 ; clear stack push 0 call exit end start 


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