list - Running through appended data frame to locate where the first positive number is in python -
i have appended series using pandas. call s. each s[i], i, has 50 data points. call these j.
i want go through each i, , instance j=1, find first positive s[i][1] occurs , record number is. output looking hence 2 dataframe [i,1] records j's each , [i,2] records positive number was.
preferably, vectorized version instance sapply/apply in r.
i hope description made sense.. hope there out there me this!
the following example i=4 , j=6.
s[0]: 2013-01-02_59 -0.004739 2013-01-02_61 +0.002435 2013-01-02_74 -0.004772 2013-01-02_75 -0.004772 2013-01-02_77 -0.002452 2013-01-02_78 -0.009423 s[1]: 2013-01-02_60 -0.007048 2013-01-02_62 -0.002435 2013-01-02_75 +0.004772 2013-01-02_76 -0.002446 2013-01-02_78 +0.007114 2013-01-02_79 -0.004772 s[2]: 2013-01-02_61 -0.004739 2013-01-02_63 +0.002435 2013-01-02_76 -0.002446 2013-01-02_77 -0.004772 2013-01-02_79 -0.002452 2013-01-02_80 +0.002446 s[3]: 2013-01-02_62 -0.004739 2013-01-02_64 +0.002435 2013-01-02_77 -0.004772 2013-01-02_78 +0.009423 2013-01-02_80 -0.000121 2013-01-02_81 -0.004772
my desire output in example thus:
output: na na 1 +0.002435 2 +0.004772 4 +0.009423 2 +0.007114 3 +0.002446
the first row of output na because never positive.
the below identify index
, value
of first positive value per series
, , insert np.nan
in cases there no positive value. sample data:
df = pd.dataframe() in range(10): df = pd.concat([df, pd.series(data=np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 50), name=i)], axis=1) df = df.transpose() <class 'pandas.core.frame.dataframe'> int64index: 10 entries, 0 9 data columns (total 50 columns): 0 10 non-null float64 1 10 non-null float64 2 10 non-null float64 3 10 non-null float64 4 10 non-null float64 5 10 non-null float64 .... 45 10 non-null float64 46 10 non-null float64 47 10 non-null float64 48 10 non-null float64 49 10 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(50)
use: df.loc[3, :] = -1
tmp = df.apply(lambda x: pd.dataframe({'value': x[x > 0]}).reset_index().iloc[0] if not x[x > 0].empty else (x.index[-1], np.nan), axis=1)
to pairs of index
, values
in columns
each original series
, latter referenced `index:
index value 0 1 0.608962 1 2 0.487893 2 1 0.850135 3 49 nan 4 1 0.870091 5 2 0.469713 6 1 0.331851 7 0 0.036980 8 0 0.387298 9 3 0.723645
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