mouseenter - jquery .on method don't work -

i work on script show video, when "onmouseover" on div. because of ie use jquery function call mouseenter, nothing happend.

my script:

jquery.fn.playmoviehome = function () {     alert("something");     var co = $(this).children("a").children("img").attr("src").split('images/')[1].split('.')[0];     var odkaz = $(this).children("a").attr("href");     $(this).children("a").after("<div id='video' style='position:absolute;width:163px;height:123px;top:5px;'><embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src='" + co + ".swf' width='163' height='123' wmode='transparent'></embed><a href='" + odkaz + "'><img src='' style='position:absolute;left:0px;width:163px;height:123px;top:5px;'></a></div>"); };  jquery.fn.stopmoviehome = function () {     $(this).children('#video').remove(); }; 


$("div#games").on('mouseenter', '.videobox', function () {     var element = $(this);     $(element).data('timeouthra', settimeout(function () {         $(element).playmoviehome();     }, 250)); });  $("div#games").on('mouseleave', '.videobox', function () {     var element = $(this);     cleartimeout($(element).data('timeouthra'));     $(this).stopmoviehome(); }); 

and html looks this:

<div id="games">   <li id="videobox-id" class="videobox">     <a href="/games/nascar.swf">         <img class="boxgames_img" src="./images/nascar.png" alt="play nascar" style="position: relative; z-index: 1;" /><br />nascar racing     </a>   </li> </div> 

it dont work. knows why? missing?

try this:

$("div#games").on('mouseenter', '.videobox', function () {     var element = $(this);'timeouthra', settimeout(function () {         element.playmoviehome();     }, 250)); });  $("div#games").on('mouseleave', '.videobox', function () {     var element = $(this);     cleartimeout('timeouthra'));     element.stopmoviehome(); }); 


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