c# - How to set title of rendered anchor tags for <asp:BulletedList DisplayMode="HyperLink"/> -

i have bulleted list in asp.net displaymode set hyperlink. when control rendered, links display fine additionally want set title each anchor tag. how do this?

aspx file:

<asp:bulletedlist id="bl1" runat="server" displaymode="hyperlink" datatextfield="anchortext" datavaluefield="url" /> 

code behind file: in code behind file data binding bl1 list.

list<urldata> listofurls.

where urldata class has 3 public properties

class urldata {      public string url {get; set;}      public string anchortext {get; set;}      public string titletext {get; set;}      //public urldata initialise properties } 

you have 2 options:-

option 1:

loop through items inside bulletedlist , add title attribute this:-

protected void page_prerender(object sender, eventargs e) {    foreach (listitem item in bl1.items)    {        item.attributes["title"] = gettooltip(item.value);    } } 

obviously have call datasource again respective tool-tip:-

private string gettooltip(string url) {     return urldatalist().first(x => x.url == url).titletext; } 

assuming, urldatalist() return list<urldata> binding bl1. not best way since querying data twice.

option 2:

you can instead create same behaviour using repeater control (recommended way):-

<asp:repeater id="rptdemo" runat="server">    <headertemplate>       <ul>    </headertemplate>    <itemtemplate>       <li>         <%# string.format("<a href=\"{0}\" title=\"{1}\">{2}</a>",eval("id"),eval("salary"),eval("country")) %>       </li>    </itemtemplate>    <footertemplate>       </ul>    </footertemplate> </asp:repeater> 

simply bind this:-

protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {    if (!page.ispostback)    {       rptdemo.datasource = urldatalist();       rptdemo.databind();    } } 


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