c - GAUT HLS tool error : "No alternatives to process, unable to select best one" -
i trying synthetise following c code using gaut tool:
#define n 16 int main (const int tab[n], int* out) { // static const int tab[n] = {98,-39,-327,439,950,-2097,-1674,9883,9883,-1674,-2097,950,439,-327,-39,98}; int k = 0, i=1; for( = 1; < n; i++) { // invariant : k est l'indice du plus petit // élément de x[0..i-1] if(tab[i] < tab[k]) k = i; } *out = tab[k]; return 0; }
simple program find minimum in array. compiles, generates dfg seems honest. when try synthetise, error: "no alternatives process, unable select best one" , can't go on implementation flow.
does know problem? facing other such small test programs well. hope specialist able answer.
thank you.
since tagged vhdl, perhaps it's worth looking @ straight vhdl port, bypassing tool completely. took few minutes, , it's in 3 parts:
1) vhdl has quirk in use array port parameter, must named type (int_array). (c has different quirk passing arrays around : doesn't, passes pointer instead)
package types type int_array array (natural range <>) of integer; end types; package body types end types;
2) bit work: left c code in comment illustrate how closely correspond:
use work.types.all; -- int main (const int tab[n], int* out) entity minarray generic ( n : natural); port ( tab : in int_array; output : out integer ); end minarray; architecture behavioral of minarray -- int k = 0, i=1; -- for( = 1; < n; i++) -- { -- if(tab[i] < tab[k]) -- k = i; -- } -- *out = tab[k]; -- return 0; --} begin process(tab) variable k : natural; begin k := 1; in tab'range loop if tab(i) < tab(k) k := i; end if; end loop; output <= tab(k); end process; end behavioral;
3) test harness:
use work.types.all; entity tester port ( minimum : out integer ); end tester; architecture behavior of tester --#define n 16 -- static const int tab[n] = {98,-39,-327,439,950,-2097,-1674,9883,9883,-1674,-2097,950,439,-327,-39,98}; constant n : natural := 16; constant tab : int_array (1 n) := (98,-39,-327,439,950,-2097,-1674,9883,9883,-1674,-2097,950,439,-327,-39,98 ); begin uut: entity work.minarray generic map (n => n) port map( tab => tab, output => minimum ); end;
note synthesisable in xilinx xst,
advanced hdl synthesis report macro statistics # rams : 1 32x32-bit single-port distributed read ram : 1 # comparators : 15 32-bit comparator greater : 15 # multiplexers : 32 1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 24 2-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 1 3-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 4 4-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 3
but (because input tables constant array) above hardware disappears in optimisation stage.
now 1 of important things in high level synthesis explore different datatypes such different word widths; such 15-bit word required store test data. explore this, let's modify "types" package follows:
type small_int range -16384 16383; type int_array array (natural range <>) of small_int;
i changed output port type small_int. , can see synthesis report, hardware usage has been reduced accordingly.
macro statistics # rams : 1 32x15-bit single-port distributed read ram : 1 # comparators : 15 15-bit comparator greater : 15 # multiplexers : 32 1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 24 2-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 1 3-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 4 4-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer : 3
so perhaps question : how easier c tools make exploring design space custom word widths?
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