gruntjs - Using Foundation With Yeoman -

i'm attempting build web project using yeoman , foundation. have created basic project , have included foundation component using bower install foundation when run grunt server fails compile foundation or move in app tree. how yeoman (or grunt) recognize , compile foundation?

i'm using yeoman 1.0.0-beta.3. commands run set project are:

npm install generator-angular generator-testacular bower install foundation yo angular --minsafe npm install bower install --dev grunt server 

but compass:server task reports nothing compile. if you're trying start new project, have left off directory argument.

i getting used yeoman , foundation. aren't supposed add < script > tag in order grunt recognize intend use "foundation"?

from yeoman getting started.

yo angular  bower install angular-ui # add <script src="components/angular-ui/build/angular-ui.js"></script> # , <link rel="stylesheet" href="components/angular-ui/build/angular-ui.css"/> grunt 


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