compilation - jrxml does not compiling -

hi have problem in jasper reports.. im executing jrxml through java class shown below

string jrxmlpath = context.getrealpath("//ireport_jrxml//" + reportpath); system.out.println("in bto report selected  " +jasperreport);         ---->(1) jasperreport jasperreport = jaspercompilemanager.compilereport(jrxmlpath); system.out.println("in bto report compiled  " +jasperreport);         ----->(2)           

"//ireport_jrxml// path put jrxml file. executed application control executing ---->(1) line doesnt executing belo statements,here problem @ lest doesnt showing error on console.

im using ireport 4.0.2,tomcat 7,jdk 1.7 , added jasperreport-3.7.4.jar file in lib folder.

is there issue version problems? ireport 4.0.2,tomcat 7,jdk 1.7 , web dynamic module 3.0 tried find out problem unfortunately missed library... dint remember library ... jasper compiler doesnt executing report design elements,report without design elements executing , can tell me wat library / jar need add executing report design elements.....

please try following code

`servletcontext context = getservletcontext();         string reportpath = context                 .getrealpath("/web-inf/reports/filname.jasper"); jasperreport jasperreport =              jaspercompilemanager.compilereport(reportpath);` 


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