android - Using OpenCV, how to find the values of HSV channels of the "masked region" in a masked image? -

using opencv4android, how can hsv channels of first pixel of masked region in masked image (dilatedmat in following snippet)? i know we'd hsv channel values of first pixel hsvmat.get(0,0) don't know how apply masked region only, rather entire mat.

for example, following function camera frame passed argument, , have generated mask, how should proceed there?

note: please keep in mind masked region not rectangle, has irregular shape.

private void detectcoloredblob (mat rgbaframe) {          mat hsvimage = new mat();          imgproc.cvtcolor(rgbaframe, hsvimage, imgproc.color_rgb2hsv_full);          mat maskedimage = new mat();          scalar lowerthreshold = new scalar(85, 50, 20);          scalar upperthreshold = new scalar(135, 255, 77);          core.inrange(hsvimage, lowerthreshold, upperthreshold, maskedimage);          mat dilatedmat= new mat();          imgproc.dilate(maskedimage, dilatedmat, new mat() );           //****************what now???**************      } 


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