Android getIdentifier returns 0x1? -

on small set of devices running application users getting crash when changing image via preferences. full stack trace:

java.lang.runtimeexception: unable resume activity {com.printandpixel.lolhistory/com.printandpixel.lolhistory.activities.mainactivity}: android.content.res.resources$notfoundexception: resource id #0x1     @     @     @     @$900(     @$h.handlemessage(     @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(     @ android.os.looper.loop(     @     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(native method)     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(     @$     @ caused by: android.content.res.resources$notfoundexception: resource id #0x1     @ android.content.res.resources.getvalue(     @ android.content.res.resources.getdrawable(     @ android.content.res.resources.getdrawable(     @ com.printandpixel.lolhistory.util.generalutils.getdrawablefromname(     @ com.printandpixel.lolhistory.util.generalutils.gethomepageheader(     @ com.printandpixel.lolhistory.activities.mainactivity.onresume(     @     @     @     ... 11 more 

the line in function getdrawablefromname being referred here following:

return context.getresources().getdrawable(resourceid);

the full implementation of method follows:

public static drawable getdrawablefromname(string name, context context) {     int resourceid = context.getresources().getidentifier(name, "drawable", context.getpackagename());     if (resourceid > 0) {         return context.getresources().getdrawable(resourceid);     } else {         tracker t = ((lolhistory) ((activity) context).getapplication()).gettracker(lolhistory.trackername.app_tracker);         t.send(new hitbuilders.eventbuilder().setcategory("event").setaction("drawablenotfound").setlabel(name).build());         return null;     } } 

from can tell far happening on android 5 , not on android 5 devices. far can tell documentation specifies getidentifier should return 0 if drawable isn't found in case returns 0x1? there hundreds of different images in application , user reports have 0x1 invalid id.

is safe assume resourcesids of 1 invalid?

edit: per @ρяσѕρєяk suggestion, handle deprecation of getdrawable(id), , fail gracefully when resources unexpectedly not found have edited function follows:

public static drawable getdrawablefromname(string name, context context) {     int resourceid = context.getresources().getidentifier(name, "drawable", context.getpackagename());     drawable drawable = null;     try {         if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.lollipop) {             drawable = context.getresources().getdrawable(resourceid, context.gettheme());         } else {             drawable = context.getresources().getdrawable(resourceid);         }     } catch (resources.notfoundexception e) {         tracker t = ((lolhistory) ((activity) context).getapplication()).gettracker(lolhistory.trackername.app_tracker);         t.send(new hitbuilders.eventbuilder().setcategory("event").setaction("drawablenotfound").setlabel(name).build());     }     return drawable; } 

the issue ended not being due getdrawablefromname function. unrelated :(. had function in app specific default preference value follows:

public static drawable gethomepageheader(context context) {     sharedpreferences prefs = preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(context);     string headerimagename = prefs.getstring(context.getstring(r.string.pref_champion_header_name), "darius_600");     drawable drawable = getdrawablefromname(headerimagename, context);     if (drawable == null) {         drawable = new colordrawable(contextcompat.getcolor(context,;     }     return drawable; } 

this preference set in preferenceactivity following listpreference:

<listpreference     android:key="pref_champion_header"     android:entries="@array/headers"     android:entryvalues="@array/header_values"     android:summary="champion splash appear @ top of homepage"     android:title="homepage champion"     android:defaultvalue="1"/> 

with following 2 arrays being referenced:

<string-array name="headers" translatable="false">     <item>darius</item>     <item>garen</item>     <item>malphite</item>     <item>gnar</item>     <item>buccaneer tristana</item> </string-array> <string-array name="header_values" translatable="false">     <item>darius_600</item>     <item>garen_600</item>     <item>malphite_600</item>     <item>gnar_600</item>     <item>buccaneer_tristana_600</item> </string-array> 

for whatever reason on devices defaultvalue="1" resolved first entry of header_values , on others resolved "1" resulted "1" being passed custom getdrawablefromname method. fix changed defaultvalue explicitly equal first value of header_values array aka "darius_600"


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