ios - blacklist characters are not ignored by Tesseract OCR -

i using tessearct ocr recognizing charcters of image. want numeric characters ignored ocr using

_tesseract->setvariable("tessedit_char_blacklist", "0123456789"); 

by way ocr doesn't recognize numeric charactes provides me others characters in place of them don't want.

as example : there image has text usd 12 , when apply ocr on image provides me usd fl

as can see above ocr converted 12 fl don't want . want 12 ignored ocr.

is there way result usd not usd fl

provide me solution that. appreciable.

see comment method setvariable() :

// variables, wise set them before calling init. 

i had same issue , moving code before init fixed :

tess = new tessbaseapi();     tess->setvariable("tessedit_char_whitelist",     "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); tess->simpleinit([datapath cstringusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding],      "eng", false); 


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