Exporting Android Library project with resource folder images -

i new android. using reusable code, convert jar file. using images jar source res folder. have accessed images "r.drawable.imagename" in library source. while converting library source jar, have export res folder. if using jar in android application, crashed. have followed link below convert library source jar.


where doing things wrong.? there procedure convert android library project jar resources.? or there wrong in accessing res folder image in android library source.?

please help.


the new gradle based build system supports "aar" files , apart compiled code, can contain resources etc well.


resource packaging in library projects not supported android build tools. have provide separate zip res folder along jar file.

code goes in jar (for library) or dex (for app). resources separately bundled apk file. hence sdk resource packager tool works when exporting apk file.

yes, jar file can contain resources, but, dependent android project's won't in jar file resources.


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