php - Image is not displaying using TCPDF -

i working in cakephp 3 application. here using tcpdf pdf generation. works fine except image. image not displaying.

here pdf() action file:

public function pdf()     {     $this->loadmodel('users');     $users=$this->users->find('all')->select(['firstname','lastname','email','image_path']);     $this->set(compact('users'));     $this->viewbuilder()->layout('pdf');     } 

my pdf.ctp file :

$html = '<table>';  foreach($users $users) {   $html .= '<tr>   <td>' . $users['firstname'] . '</td>   <td>' . $users['lastname'] . '</td>   <td>' . $users['email'] . '</td>   <td><img src="/sample/webroot/img/'.$users['image_path'].'"/></td>          </tr>';     } $html .= '</table>'; $pdf->writehtml($html, true, false, true, false, ''); 

can 1 me , resolve problem ..


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