django - CSRF verification Failed - Referer is insecure while host is secure -

i upgraded django 1.8 1.9. afterwards, error on localhost after django admin login:

referer checking failed - referer insecure while host secure.

everything works fine in production. below snippet of file:

secure_proxy_ssl_header = ('http_x_forwarded_proto', 'https') session_cookie_secure = true csrf_cookie_secure = true 

those lines in file fine on production because you're using ssl certificate attached domain. however, on local you're using http://localhost:8000 or similar. if try connect via https://localhost:{{your_port_number}} you'll error err_ssl_protocol_error.

the issue in lines 167-168 of django/django/middleware/ when you're using https on production, request.is_secure() returning true...which requires http_referer true or you'll error referenced.

one solution adjust file depending on whether you're in local or production environment. way can add 3 lines file imports other settings common both localhost , production server. localhost use different set of settings don't include lines.


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