ios - iphone: [NSNull getCharacters:]: unrecognized selector error using NSPredicate -

hi when try search entity in core data on fields, following error:

[nsnull getcharacters:]: unrecognized selector sent instance 

this code using set predicate:

- (void)filtercontentforsearchtext:(nsstring*)searchtext scope:(nsstring*)scope {     nspredicate *resultpredicate =[nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"jobtitle=%@",@"barber"];     searchresults = [getcontacts filteredarrayusingpredicate:resultpredicate]; } 

however, when set predicate know true on other fields, search works correctly:

- (void)filtercontentforsearchtext:(nsstring*)searchtext scope:(nsstring*)scope {     nspredicate *resultpredicate =[nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"title=%@",@"dr"];     searchresults = [getcontacts filteredarrayusingpredicate:resultpredicate]; } 

first version searches on title field/attribute, second on jobtitle field/attribute.

examining attributes job , jobtitle in model, cannot discern difference between them.

can tell me nsnull coming , means? there missing in properties of attributes account this?

thanks in advance suggestions.

looks objects in getcontacts array don't have jobtitle property in first method. can check printing first object nslog(@"%@", getcontacts.firstobject) or print whole array nslog(@"%@", getcontacts)


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