ios - How to use scrollRectToVisible:animated? -
i have tableview , in 1 of rows have horizontal scrollview , images(images in different view of row), in horizontal scrollview have added few buttons (10 buttons). when user clicks on button scrollview call reloaddata
. because call reloaddata
horizontal scrollview reloads again new image data. want if user scrolls end , clicked last button scrollview, user should able see selected button not first one. don't know how can use scrollrecttovisible:animated
make happen.
here code scrollview , adding buttons on it.
-(void)addcolorfiltersonview:(uiview *)colorview{ if (_colorfilterview) { [_colorfilterview removefromsuperview]; } self.colorfilterview = [[uiscrollview alloc] initwithframe:colorview.bounds]; [_colorfilterview setautoresizingmask:uiviewautoresizingflexiblewidth|uiviewautoresizingflexibleheight]; [_colorfilterview setbackgroundcolor:samergb(238)]; [_colorfilterview setshowshorizontalscrollindicator:no]; int addedcount = 0; int i=0; cgfloat x = 10, y = 5; if ([_colorfilters count] < 1) { return; } (i=0; i<[_colorfilters count] - 1; i++) { id item = [_colorfilters objectatindex:i]; if ([item iskindofclass:[nsstring class]]){ if ([self.prodvipdictionary.pdcolor isequaltostring:(nsstring*)item] && != 0) { continue; } nsinteger itemscount = [[_colorfilters objectatindex:i+1] integervalue]; if (itemscount <= 0) { break; } tttattributedlabel *itemlabel = [[tttattributedlabel alloc] initwithframe:cgrectzero]; [itemlabel setnumberoflines:1]; [itemlabel settextalignment:nstextalignmentcenter]; [itemlabel setfont:[uifont systemfontofsize:14]]; if ([_selectedcolor isequaltostring:(nsstring*)item]) [itemlabel settextcolor:[uicolor whitecolor]]; [itemlabel settext:[(nsstring*)item capitalizedstring]]; [itemlabel setbackgroundcolor:samergb(255)]; itemlabel.layer.borderwidth = 1; itemlabel.layer.maskstobounds = yes; itemlabel.layer.cornerradius = 10; itemlabel.layer.bordercolor = samergb(210).cgcolor; [itemlabel sizetofit]; [_colorfilterview addsubview:itemlabel]; cgrect itemframe = itemlabel.frame; itemframe.size.width += 20; [itemlabel setframe:itemframe]; uibutton *optionbtn = [[uibutton alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(x, y, itemlabel.frame.size.width + 6, 26)]; [optionbtn settag:[_colorfilters indexofobject:item]]; [optionbtn addtarget:self action:@selector(optioncolorclicked:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchupinside]; [_colorfilterview addsubview:optionbtn]; [itemlabel setframe:optionbtn.frame]; if ([_selectedcolor isequaltostring:(nsstring*)item]) { [optionbtn setenabled:no]; [itemlabel setbackgroundcolor:[lrutils lrgreencolor]]; } addedcount ++; x += optionbtn.frame.size.width+5; if (addedcount >= 20) { break; } }else{ continue; } } [_colorfilterview setcontentsize:cgsizemake((x + 10),colorview.frame.size.height)]; [colorview addsubview:_colorfilterview]; }
instead of calling reloaddata
, call method on table view:
- (void)reloadrowsatindexpaths:(nsarray *)indexpaths withrowanimation:(uitableviewrowanimation)animation
you need create nsarray
containing of indexpaths in table view except row scroll view , buttons. way, scroll view wouldn't reset.
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