c# - WCF allow services to be discovered -

i'm sure duplicate can't find relating this.

i have 4 wcf services within same project, in order new projects link services, need manually enter 4 end points in "add service reference":

  1. https://myurl.com/services/test1.svc
  2. https://myurl.com/services/test2.svc
  3. https://myurl.com/services/test3.svc
  4. https://myurl.com/services/test4.svc

what i'd use single url (maybe https://myurl.com/services/), when entered address of "add service reference" dialog, discover 4 services , list them when click "discover" button when adding service references project in same solution.

the thing i've found wcf discovery that's when you're broadcasting on subnet , that's not i'm trying do.

edit: isn't duplicate of proposed question. op having issues getting services discovered correctly within same solution i'm having no trouble with. i'd same list of services outside solution when you're in project that's part of same solution services. trust clarifies sufficiently.


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