c# - Creating a method for search product by name in "ProductModel" class and display it in panel with image buttons and labels -

productmodel.cs: (class)

this productmodel class searches product name. check if correct or not.

  public static product searchproductsbyname(string name, list<product>     products)   {     product pd;     pd = new product();     foreach (product rs in products)     {         if (name == rs.name)         {             return pd;         }     }     return null;    // <<< return value if nothing found    } 


<asp:textbox id="txtsearch" runat="server"></asp:textbox> <asp:button id="btnsearch" runat="server" text="button" onclick="btnsearch_click" />   <br />  <asp:panel id="pnlproducts" runat="server">     <br /> </asp:panel> 

search.aspx.cs (i want display searched product using searched product ty name method)

protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {  } protected void btnsearch_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     productmodel productmodel = new productmodel();      list<product> products = productmodel.searchproductsbyname**(txtsearch.text);** //getting error here        //make sure product exist in db     if (products != null)     {         //create new panel image btn & 2 labels         foreach (product product in products)         {             panel productpanel = new panel();             imagebutton imagebutton = new imagebutton();             label lblname = new label();             label lblprice = new label(); 

you assigning list<product> products function not return list<product>

so logically supposed have function returns list this:

public static list<product> searchproductsbyname() {       // work       // return list<product> } 

so thats 1 of problems. other searchproductsbyname function takes 2 arguments , providing 1 =>


so missing there variable of type list<product> defined in searchproductsbyname function.


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