c# - How to use isolated storage pass data to background agent in windows phone? -
below coding found in share data between main app , periodic task can't work , getting error.
any idea or help?
in main page
using system.io.isolatedstorage; using system.threading; using (mutex mutex = new mutex(true, "mydata")) { mutex.waitone(); try { isolatedstoragesettings.applicationsettings["order"] = 5; } { mutex.releasemutex(); } }
and in agent:
using (mutex mutex = new mutex(true, "mydata")) { mutex.waitone(); try { order = (int)isolatedstoragesettings.applicationsettings["order"]; } { mutex.releasemutex(); } }
i suggest you, can use separate library project task taking care communicate in between both of applications; such foreground , background app.
you must have 3 projects in application.
1) ui aapplication (foreground app)
2) project library (isolated communication [rear/write] operation)
3) background agent app.
see following diagram here cleared.
hope helps
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