android - PhoneGap interop -

smartphone app should run on

  • ios
  • android
  • windowsphone


  1. capture video
  2. go through rich ui
  3. video processing


  1. use phonegap 'video capture' & 'ui'
  2. use os specific implementation 'video processing' part ( 'objective-c' iphone, c++ android & c++/com windowsphone )

before putting more stakes phonegap, know if

  • phonegap support above use-case, support os specific interop ( video processing ) on per os basis?
  • phonegap supports single solution/project including per os native implementation 'video processing' part ?

any appreciated.

as per use-case

  1. confirm. take on capturevideo api

  2. confirm. phonegap supports jquerymobile , other mobile web frameworks.

  3. conform. implemented additional phonegap plugin (s). ideally have same js file across platforms api definition , different platform specific implementation each platform.


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