xml - xsd:dateTime with specific precision -

an xsd work has element like:

<xsd:element name="tdlordertimestamp" type="xsd:datetime" minoccurs="0"/> 

but i'm being told system requires 3 decimal points of precision on seconds. allowed xsd:datetime, not required it.

we requiring:


we should requiring:


what's simplest way specify requirement in xsd? ideally, i'd stick close xsd:datetime , iso8601's other idioms , idiosyncrasies possible.

a simple solution defining new simple type extends xsd:datetime , adds pattern restriction indicating value must contain dot followed 3 digits. example:

<xsd:simpletype name="datetimewithprecision">     <xsd:restriction base="xsd:datetime">         <xsd:pattern value=".*\.\d{3}.*"/>     </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpletype> 

you can adapt pattern other desired datetime formats if want.


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