Java expected null, throws exception -
i've been trying find solution problem 2 hours, haven't found useful.
i have method gets issuedata mantisapi use later in code. catches exceptions thrown:
try { issuedata issue = mantisapi.getissue(issueid, user); task = preparemantistask(issue); } catch (exception e) { system.out.println(e.getmessage()); } return task;
the problem when issuedata expect null because might empty field. when returns, exception caught in try/catch block. tried ignore using following code:
public string getprojectnotnull(mantistask mantistask) { if (mantistask == null){ return null; } try{ string project = mantisapicache.getproject(mantistask.getproject()).getname(); return project; } catch(nullpointerexception npe){"taskservice.getprojectnotnull() throws controled null"); return "-"; }
but looks stupid when have 20 or more records check. there other way ignore nulls? thank time.
i'm sorry i'm @ home now, , cannot copy code. preparemantistask looks like:
mantistask mantistask; mantistask.setid = issue.getid();
so example. if mantistask.setduedata = issue.getduedata(); null because not issues have parameter. when debugger point, returns to
} catch (exception e) { system.out.println(e.getmessage()); }
and left preparemantistask task null.
this 2 pieces of code different parts of program, wanted show how works.
why not make null check instead of waiting exception? perhaps this:
public string getprojectnotnull(mantistask mantistask) { if (mantistask == null){ return null; } string project = "-"; // check whatever may null here if (mantistask.getproject() != null && mantisapicache.getproject(mantistask.getproject()) != null) { project = mantisapicache.getproject(mantistask.getproject()).getname(); } else {"taskservice.getprojectnotnull() throws controled null") } return project; }
in response edit, rule still maintains though. if not issues have parameter, must check before, never exceptions because null.
assuming null pointer exception due issue.getduedata(), likewise do:
if (issue.getdata() != null) { mantistask.setduedata = issue.getduedata() }
so you'll never null pointer exception in first case.
in short, there no way ignore nulls, must check each 1 of them before using them (and never relying on exceptions check nulls).
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