c++ - Unable to associate an ncurses form with a window -

i trying associate ncurses form window. here complete code of trial:

#include <form.h> #include <vector> #include <string>  int main() {     initscr();     cbreak();     noecho();     keypad(stdscr, true);      form  *myform;     std::vector<field *> fields;      fields.push_back(new_field(1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0));     set_field_back(fields[0], a_underline);     fields.push_back(nullptr);     myform = new_form(fields.data());      window *mypad = newpad(5, 20);     set_form_win(myform, mypad); // no effect?     post_form(myform);     prefresh(mypad, 0, 0, 10, 10, 20, 20); // no effect...      getch();     unpost_form(myform);     free_form(myform);     free_field(fields[0]);     endwin();     return 0; }     

as comments indicate, calling set_form_win not seem have effect. form displayed in top left corner regardless of arguments supply prefresh. similar code worked menus fine, not work form. missing?

as additional detail, form gets magically displayed without call prefresh or other function refresh family.

windows , pads similar, not same. set_form_win function expects window.

the newpad manual page notes:

it not legal call wrefresh pad argument; routines prefresh or pnoutrefresh should called instead.

the form library use pads — internally, fields — windows (no pads). relevant functions wcursyncup , wsyncup (it relies on wgetch application actual wrefresh calls).


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