c# - ASP.NET vNext site fails to run under IIS -

i have reasonably standard website i've build under asp.net 5 rc1-update1. deploy iis (tried both 8 , 7.5) , attempting hit never gets past waiting localhost stage. turned on logging setting stdoutlogenabled="true" in httpplatform element of web.config file , saw following error:

error: unable load application or execute command 'microsoft.aspnet.hosting'. available commands: web, ef. system.io.filenotfoundexception: system cannot find file specified. (exception hresult: 0x80070002)    @ system.reflection.runtimeassembly.nloadfile(string path, evidence evidence)    @ system.reflection.assembly.loadfile(string path)    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.loader.loadcontext.loadfile(string assemblypath)    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.loader.packageassemblyloader.load(assemblyname assemblyname, iassemblyloadcontext loadcontext)    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.loader.packageassemblyloader.load(assemblyname assemblyname)    @ microsoft.dnx.host.loadercontainer.load(assemblyname assemblyname)    @ microsoft.dnx.host.defaultloadcontext.loadassembly(assemblyname assemblyname)    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.loader.assemblyloadercache.getoradd(assemblyname name, func`2 factory)    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.loader.loadcontext.loadassemblyimpl(assemblyname assemblyname)    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.loader.loadcontext.resolveassembly(object sender, resolveeventargs args)    @ system.appdomain.onassemblyresolveevent(runtimeassembly assembly, string assemblyfullname) 

it can't seem find microsoft.aspnet.hosting.dll files. built test website - defaults visual studio , deployed iis , ran fine, able find file.

i ran procmon see looks file , found following:

enter image description here

for site (marked failing), dnx.exe looks in \approot\runtimes , gives up. in test site, looks in \approot\runtimes, can't find there, goes in \approot\packages , there , website up.

i've compared various configuration files between site , test site , don't see obvious differences or why dnx.exe in \approot\packages test site, not site.

what missing? how can dnx.exe find dlls in right directories?


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