core mvc - Dependencies in MVC 6 application of multilayered solution -
i developing solution includes data layer, business layer , ui layer (mvc 6 application).
mvc application works interfaces of business layer. doesn't know services (implementation of business layer) , data layer. has reference project contains business layer interfaces.
i have issue connected dependencies. according opinion, must add dependencies (including repositories , services) startup.cs
file, mvc 6 application mustn't have references repositories or services.
how can add dependencies without adding references?
the mvc6 application must reference service , repository implementations, either directly or indirectly. thing should not construct instances of these implementations controller
so in other words, okay in startup.cs:
public void configureservices(iservicecollection services) { services.addinstance<iserviceorrepo, serviceorrepoimpl>(); }
it not okay in controller:
private readonly iserviceorrepo _serviceorrepo; public mycontroller() { this._serviceorrepo = new serviceorrepoimpl(); }
but either way, @ runtime, controller must able resolve actual serviceorrepoimpl
implementation instance 1 of referenced assemblies (via ioc container of course). means assembly or project contains implementation must referenced mvc project either directly or indirectly.
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