sql - Issue calculating month end date in 4GL -

this routine returning 12/31/2016 instead of 12/31/2015 , messing report. idea going wrong?

    let date_month = month(p_selection.date_from) if  date_month = 12      let date_month = 1     let p_selection.date_from = p_selection.date_from + 1 units year     let date_thru = date_month,"/01/",year(p_selection.date_from)     let p_selection.date_from = p_selection.date_from - 1 units year else      let date_month = date_month + 1     let date_thru = date_month,"/01/",year(p_selection.date_from) end if  let p_selection.date_thru = date_thru clipped  if year(p_selection.date_thru) <> year(p_selection.date_from)      let p_selection.date_thru = p_selection.date_thru + 1 units year end if      let p_selection.date_thru = p_selection.date_thru - 1 

assuming input p_selection.date_from 12/01/2015 ...

if date_month = 12 returns true, date_thru gets calculated 01/01/2016

but second if statement returns true, adding year p_selection.date_thru (01/01/2017), before decrementing 1 day 12/31/2016.

seems me has had several goes @ trying calculate date of last day of month, , 1 or other method required, not both. 1 appears first in code particularly dubious - there's assumption dbdate format when casts between date , char, entirely unnecessary.

a far simpler solution calculate:

let p_selection.date_thru =      mdy(month(p_selection.date_from), 1, year(p_selection.date_from))     + 1 units month - 1 units day 

in other words find first day of selected month, add month , subtract day. simple , robust, works @ year boundary , when leap day occurs.


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