sql - HIve CLI doesn't support MySql style data import to tables -
why can't import data hive cli following, hive_test
table has user
, comments
insert table hive_test (user, comments) value ("hello", "this test query");
hive throws following exception in hive cli
failed: parseexception line 1:28 cannot recognize input near '(' 'user' ',' in select clause
i don't want import data through csv file following testing perpose.
load data local inpath '/home/hduser/test_data.csv' table hive_test;
it's worth noting hive advertises "sql-like" syntax, rather actual sql syntax. there's no particular reason think pure sql queries run on hive. hiveql's dml documented here on wiki, , not support column specification syntax or values
clause. however, support syntax:
insert table tablename1 select ... ...
extrapolating these test queries, might able following work:
insert table hive_test select 'hello', 'this test query' src limit 1
however, seem hive not optimized small-scale data manipulation. don't have hive instance test of on.
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