c# - WpfAninatedGif NuGet package event usage with MVVM -

i've encountered problem events using wpfanimatedgif nuget package. package has 2 additional events <image> i'm unable use them mvvm pattern. i've tried interactivity:

<window      xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity"     xmlns:gif="http://wpfanimatedgif.codeplex.com">      <image gif:imagebehavior.animatedsource="animation.gif">         <i:interaction.triggers>             <i:eventtrigger eventname="animationcompleted">                 <i:invokecommandaction command="{binding somecommand}"/>             </i:eventtrigger>         </i:interaction.triggers>     </image> </window> 

but fails, command doesn't called. i've messed around bit , got kinda working (not realy). if leave eventtrigger's eventname unspecified command called on animationloaded event only:

<i:eventtrigger>     <i:invokecommandaction command="{binding somecommand}"/> </i:eventtrigger> 

in situation command called properly. however, i'm interested in animationcompleted event.

p.s. works fine without mvvm.


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