angularjs - Why is my custom filter predicate filter not working -
i have use case wherein have filter array based on selection 2 dropdowns. both selections md-select (from angular material) hence both selection array. record original array matches of record selection arrays should returned filter.
i have returned following logic, can't figure out why data not filtered.
$scope.filtertasks = function (t, i, array) { if ($scope.filter.tradedir.length === 0 && $scope.filter.cluster.length === 0) { return true; } else if ($scope.filter.tradedir.length !== 0 && $scope.filter.cluster.length === 0) { $scope.filter.tradedir.foreach(function (td) { if (( === && (t.direction.code === td.direction.code)) { return true; } }); } else if ($scope.filter.cluster.length !== 0 && $scope.filter.tradedir.length !== 0) { $scope.filter.tradedir.foreach(function (td) { if (( === && (t.direction.code === td.direction.code)) { $scope.filter.cluster.foreach(function(c) { if (t.cluster.code === c.code) { return true; } }); } }); } else { return false; } }
surprisingly, when debug, can see control going till return statement each matched record. still, data not filtered. puzzled why?
below html code md-selects:
<div class="filter layout layout-sm-column task_top_filters"> <md-input-container ng-class="{'md-input-has-value': filter.tradedir}" class="flex-sm-100 md_container_fr_task"> <label>trade/direction</label> <md-select multiple ng-model="filter.tradedir" md-on-close="closetradefilter(filter.tradedir)" ng-model-options="{trackby: '$'}"> <md-option ng-value="t" ng-repeat="t in tradedirarray track $index"> {{}} </md-option> </md-select> </md-input-container> <md-input-container ng-disabled="filter.tradedir.length === 0" ng-class="{'md-input-has-value': filter.cluster}" class="flex-sm-100 md_container_fr_task"> <label>cluster</label> <md-select multiple ng-model="filter.cluster" ng-model-options="{trackby: '$value.code'}"> <md-option ng-value="t" ng-repeat="t in filterclusters track $index"> {{t.code}} </md-option> </md-select> </md-input-container> </div>
and here how calling it:
<li ng-repeat="t in datalist| filter: filtertasks track" class="li_row">
is there wrong filter? appreciated.
well, issue above code was returning true foreach function, instead should returned original filtertasks function. below code works fine:
$scope.filtertasks = function (t, i, array) { if ($scope.filter.tradedir.length === 0 && $scope.filter.cluster.length === 0) { return true; } else if ($scope.filter.tradedir.length !== 0 && $scope.filter.cluster.length === 0) { $scope.filter.tradedir.foreach(function (td) { if (( === && (t.direction.code === td.direction.code)) { x = true; } }); return x; } else if ($scope.filter.cluster.length !== 0 && $scope.filter.tradedir.length !== 0) { $scope.filter.tradedir.foreach(function (td) { if (( === && (t.direction.code === td.direction.code)) { $scope.filter.cluster.foreach(function (c) { if (t.cluster.code === c.code) { x = true; } }); return x; } }); return x; } else { return false; } }
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