java - What is the advantage of using ctrl-shift-t instead of ctrl-shift-r in Eclipse? -
when first got java programming mentor of mine introduced me ctrl-shift-t shortcut in eclipse, long before discovered ctrl-shift-r. reason had bias towards ctrl-shift-t , tended use whenever possible.
what noticed eventually, though, if eclipse had non class files in context ctrl-shift-t didn't anything, , had put class file in context use shortcut.
then hit me ctrl-shift-r catch-all shortcut can open every file, no matter context in ide. in respects seems more useful shortcut because can used @ time.
so makes me wonder i'm missing ctrl-shift-t. outside of shortcut pulling smaller subset of files when searching, there other advantage using i'm missing?
ctrl-shift-r opening resources in workspace (i.e. files)
ctrl-shift-t opening classes (types), may not in files in jars.
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