angularjs - Restangular ui.router resolve asynchronous or synchronous -

i using restangular , ui.router.

below code.

app.config(["$urlrouterprovider", "$stateprovider", "$locationprovider","restangularprovider",             function ($urlrouterprovider, $stateprovider, $locationprovider, restangularprovider ) {                 $urlrouterprovider.otherwise("/");                 $stateprovider                     //                     .state("home", {                         url: "/",                         templateurl: 'app/class/html/classlist.html',                         controller: 'classsectionlistctrl vm',                     resolve: {                         acyear: function (restangular, $stateparams) {                             return restangular.all('currentyear').getlist();                         },                         classsectionsubjectmatrix: function (restangular, $stateparams) {                             return restangular.all('classsectionsubjectmatrix').getlist();                     }                  } 

i have 2 resolve return acyear & classsectionsubjectmatrix. question is, both acyear & classsectionsubjectmatrix trigger @ same time (parallel) or in sequential manner (first acyear classsectionsubjectmatrix) ?

second,is there way capture how time both acyear & classsectionsubjectmatrix taking start end independently in controller?

something .

acyear                          ---> 0%....10%.....30%........60%.......100% classsectionsubjectmatrix       ---> 0%...........50......100%  restangularprovider.addresponseinterceptor(                     function (data, operation, what, url, response, deferred) {                         pendingrequests--;                         if (pendingrequests == 0) {                             console.log('loaded data2 (hide indicator)' + json.stringify(what));                         }                         return data;                     }); 

first of not resolve on state resolve...

if want pass promise believe using service better. assume want resolve promise on state resolve , return resolved object controller.

there no order between resolve variables unless 1 of them depends on others. means in case can think both start @ same time

resolve: {             acyear: function (restangular, $stateparams) {                return restangular.all('currentyear').getlist().then(function(response){                   return response;                });             },             classsectionsubjectmatrix: function (restangular, $stateparams) {                return restangular.all('classsectionsubjectmatrix').getlist().then(function(response){                   return response;                });             } } 

but if 1 of them depend other should wait dependent value resolved first

resolve: {             acyear: function (restangular, $stateparams) {                return restangular.all('currentyear').getlist().then(function(response){                   return response;                });             },             classsectionsubjectmatrix: function (acyear, restangular, $stateparams) {                return restangular.all('classsectionsubjectmatrix').getlist().then(function(response){                   return response;                });             } } 

in 1 acyear should resolved first second request made classsectionsubjectmatrix...

for second question cannot calculate time on controller resolving them in state...


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