angularjs - How to spyOn chained method call to Restangular in Jasmine? -

i using jasmine write unit tests angularjs factory returns call restangular. take example,

function functobetested(params) {   return restangular.all('/foo').getlist(params); } 

it straightforward test whether or not all() being called on restangular. how can test whether getlist() gets called on returned restangular object after all() has returned?

at moment, have

beforeeach(function() {   module('ui.router');   module('myservice');   module('restangular'); });  describe('functobetested', function() {   beforeeach(function() {     httpbackend.expectget('/foo').respond([]);   });    it('should call on restangular', function() {     spyon(restangular, 'all').and.callthrough();     functobetested({});     httpbackend.flush();     expect(restangular.all).tohavebeencalled();   }); }); 

if try follow same pattern , along lines of


things stop working. not able find literature on this. appreciated.


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