android - Attachment not working with intent -

i have tried 2 ways attachment sms 1 hardcoded (the file 100% exists) have checked many times.:

intent sms = new intent(intent.action_sendto,                 uri.parse("smsto:" + number));         sms.putextra("sms_body", smsbody);         sms.putextra(intent.extra_stream, "file:///storage/sdcard/pictures/imageapp/img_20160107_133123.jpg");         startactivity(sms); 

the other:

        uri picture = uri.fromfile(picturefile);          string smsbody = "this sms!";          intent sms = new intent(intent.action_sendto,                 uri.parse("smsto:" + number));         sms.putextra("sms_body", smsbody);         sms.putextra(intent.extra_stream, picturefile);         startactivity(sms); 

the picture variable in debug returns like:


this exists, i've checked adm.

what problem? why picture not being transferred attachment? thanks.

try adding type




this should work


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