c++ - How to use z3 with Visual Studio? -

i want use z3 visual studio 2015. downloaded binaries current version (4.4.1) windows. set new project, add include-folder include directories , bin folder librariy directories. current main file (and file) is:

#include <z3++.h>  void main() {   z3::context ctx;   z3::expr expr = ctx.bool_val(4); } 

however, when try run local windows debugger, number of linker errors shown, e.g., unresolved external symbol _z3_mk_config referenced in ... . so, apparently, i'm missing something, don't know what.

thanks help!

all right, comments solve problem:

i needed add libz3.dll additional dependencies in linker->inputs , lib folder additional library dependencies in linker->general.

thank help!


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