build - Android studio building signed APK error on "Type of anim" -
i trying build singed apk android studio. when press button create signed apk error : error: expected resource of type anim [resourcetype] and line of java code show's up layoutanimationcontroller lac = new layoutanimationcontroller(animationutils.loadanimation(employment.this, r.animator.grow_from_bottom), 0.8f); lview.setlayoutanimation(lac); i do'nt have problem create unsigned apk. in singed apk. please me. thank you. there 2 different types of animations in android: animation , animator . likewise, there 2 resource folders each: res/anim , res/animator . animationutils works animation , you're passing animator , why it's getting upset. need give animation resource (i.e. r.anim ). since it'll important learn difference between 2 types of animation, here resources: more on property animation (aka animator ) more on view animation (aka animation ) animation resources definition