c++ - DeleteInterpProc called with active evals -

i writing program executes tcl scripts. when script has exit command, program crashes error

deleteinterpproc called active evals aborted 

i calling tcl_evalfile(m_interpreter, script.c_str()) script file name. have tried tcl_eval arguments interpreter , "source filename". result same. other tcl comands (eg. puts) interpreter executes normally. how can fixed?

#include <tcl.h> #include <iostream>  int main() {     tcl_interp *interp = tcl_createinterp();       //tcl_preserve(interp);      tcl_eval (interp, "exit");      //tcl_release(interp);      std::cout << "11111111111" << std::endl;      return 0; } 

this simple case. "11111111111" not printed. understand whole program exited when calling tcl_eval (interp, "exit");. result same after adding tcl_preserve , tcl_release.

the problem interpreter, execution context tcl code, getting feet deleted out under itself; makes confused! @ least you're getting clean panic/abort rather disgusting hard-to-reproduce crash.

the easiest fix do:

tcl_preserve(m_interpreter); // code calls tcl_evalfile(m_interpreter, script.c_str()) // , deals results. tcl_release(m_interpreter); 

be aware after tcl_release, tcl_interp handle may refer deleted memory. (yes, wrapping tcl_preserve/tcl_release in raii goodness reasonable.)

if want instead permit code run after script exit, have take additional steps. in particular, standard tcl exit command not designed cause return calling context: will cause process call _exit(2) system call. change it's behavior, replace it:

// callback function implements replacement static int myreplacementexit(clientdata unused, tcl_interp *interp, int argc, const char *argv[]) {     // ought check argument count... why bother?     tcl_deleteinterp(interp);     return tcl_ok; }  int main() {     tcl_interp *interp = tcl_createinterp();       // install function on standard [exit]     tcl_createcommand(interp, "exit", myreplacementexit, null, null);      // important; need keep *handle* live until we're finished     tcl_preserve(interp);      // or run whatever code want here...     tcl_eval(interp, "exit");      // important piece of cleanup code     if (!tcl_interpdeleted(interp))         tcl_deleteinterp(interp);     tcl_release(interp);     // after point, *must not* use interp      std::cout << "11111111111" << std::endl;     return 0; } 

the rules doing memory management in these sorts of scenarios laid out in the manual page tcl_createinterp. (that's 8.6 manual page, relevant rules have been true since @ least tcl 7.0, on 2 decades ago.) once interpreter deleted, can no longer count on executing commands or accessing variables in it; tcl library handles state unwinding you.


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