java - How to check if button clicked, IF form is actually submitted Selenium / TestNG -

i new java/selenium/testng, have issue run 4 sets of data using dataprovider, however, 1 set of data incorrect purpose of testing test works. first check button displayed clicked. want able check button clicked , check if form submitted if form not submitted print error. unsure on how code below:

webelement  login = driver.findelement("dijit_form_button_1_label"));         //if statement - check if element displayed before clicking on login button.       if(login.isdisplayed()){ ;           //main event logged if passed           reporter.log("login form submitted  | "); "submit button clicked");       }else{              reporter.log("login failed  | "); "login failed - check data | ");           //main event log fail            }           webelement logout = driver.findelement("dijit_form_button_0_label"));      if(logout.isdisplayed()){;     reporter.log("logout successful  | ");     }else {         reporter.log("logout failed");"logout failed - check data | ");     } 

the test displays error message "logout failed" should display first message "login failed" how check if login , form submitted successfully?

the reason prints second message code runs passed point , selenium cant see logout button displayed.

any thoughts on going wrong?

try this:

private static outbutton ="dijit_form_button_0_label"); if(driver.findelements(outbutton).size() > 0) {;     reporter.log("logout successful  | "); } 


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