dynamic - Conditional jsf include -
how can conditionally include jsf facelets file @ runtime? sample functionality required
if ( add button click) { ui:include src="add.xhtml" } if ( update button click) { ui:include src="update.xhtml" }
the syntax above indicative ...
mojarra 2.1.1 / apache tomcat 7.0.22 / primefaces 3.4
doesn't have rendered
attribute have encapsulate in other component. set property on server base on button clicked.
<h:form> <p:commandbutton value="add" update=":includecontainer"> <f:setpropertyactionlistener value="add" target="#{mybean.action}"/> </p:commandbutton> <p:commandbutton value="update" update=":includecontainer"> <f:setpropertyactionlistener value="update" target="#{mybean.action}"/> </p:commandbutton> </h:form> <h:panelgroup id="includecontainer"> <h:panelgroup rendered="#{mybean.action == 'add'}"> <ui:include src="add.xhtml"/> </h:panelgroup> <h:panelgroup rendered="#{mybean.action == 'update'}"> <ui:include src="update.xhtml"/> </h:panelgroup> </h:panelgroup>
in backing bean have getter , setter:
public void setaction(string action) { this.action = action; } public string getaction() { return action; }
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