symfony - ManyToMany relationship with extra fields in symfony2 orm doctrine -
hi have same question here: many-to-many self relation fields? cant find answer :/ tried first manytoone , @ other site onetomany ... not use like
public function hasfriend(user $user) { return $this->myfriends->contains($user); }
because there problem:
this function called, taking user type $user variable , use contains() function on $this->myfriends.
$this->myfriends arraycollection of requests (so different type user) , doctrine documentation contains():
the comparison of 2 elements strict, means not value type must match.
so best way solve manytomany relationship fields? or if go , set onetomany , manytoone relationship how can modify hasfriend method? example check if id in array collection of id's.
edit: have table... , need is: 1. select friends... , followers ...check if friend him or not. (because can friend me , dont have him... on twitter). make manytomany need fields like: "viewed" "time when subscribe me" can see @ table.
and make query , able in twig check if (app.user.hasfriend(follower) or that)
$qb = $this->createquerybuilder('r') ->select('u') ->innerjoin('userbundle:user', 'u') ->where('r.friend_id=:id') ->setparameter('id', $id) ->orderby('r.time', 'desc') ->setmaxresults(50); return $qb->getquery() ->getresult();
i'm adding answer since has nothing original answer. using new info posted, i'm calling table/entity posted "follower". original entity, "user".
what happens if create following associations:
namespace acme\userbundle\entity; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; /** * acme\userbundle\entity\user * * @orm\table() * @orm\entity */ class user { /** * @var integer $id * * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer") * @orm\id * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto") */ private $id; /** * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="acme\followerbundle\entity\follower", mappedby="followeduser") */ protected $followers; /** * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="acme\followerbundle\entity\follower", mappedby="followeeuser") */ protected $followees; /** * id * * @return integer */ public function getid() { return $this->id; } public function __construct() { $this->followers = new \doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection(); $this->followees = new \doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection(); } /** * add followers * * @param acme\followerbundle\entity\follower $follower */ public function addfollower(\acme\followerbundle\entity\follower $follower) { $this->followers[] = $follower; } /** * add followees * * @param acme\followerbundle\entity\follower $followee */ public function addfollowee(\acme\followerbundle\entity\follower $followee) { $this->followees[] = $followee; } /** * followers * * @return doctrine\common\collections\collection */ public function getfollowers() { return $this->followers; } /** * followees * * @return doctrine\common\collections\collection */ public function getfollowees() { return $this->followees; } }
namespace acme\followerbundle\entity; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; /** * acme\followerbundle\entity\follower * * @orm\table() * @orm\entity */ class follower { /** * @var integer $id * * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer") * @orm\id * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto") */ private $id; /** * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="acme\userbundle\entity\user", inversedby="followers") * @orm\joincolumn(name="user_id", referencedcolumnname="id") */ protected $followeduser; /** * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="acme\userbundle\entity\user", inversedby="followees") * @orm\joincolumn(name="followee_id", referencedcolumnname="id") */ protected $followeeuser; /** * id * * @return integer */ public function getid() { return $this->id; } /** * set followeduser * * @param acme\userbundle\entity\user $followeduser */ public function setfolloweduser(\acme\userbundle\entity\user $followeduser) { $this->followeduser = $followeduser; } /** * followeduser * * @return acme\userbundle\entity\user */ public function getfolloweduser() { return $this->followeduser; } /** * set followeeuser * * @param acme\userbundle\entity\user $followeeuser */ public function setfolloweeuser(\acme\userbundle\entity\user $followeeuser) { $this->followeeuser = $followeeuser; } /** * followeeuser * * @return acme\userbundle\entity\user */ public function getfolloweeuser() { return $this->followeeuser; } }
i'm not sure if trick, don't have time test it, if doesn't, thnk it's on it's way. i'm using 2 relations, because don't need many many. need reference user can have lot of followers, , follower can follow lot of users, since "user" table same one, did 2 relations, have nothing eachother, reference same entity different things.
try , experiment happens. should able things like:
$user->getfollowers(); $follower->getfolloweduser(); , check if user being followed follower user_id equals $userthatiwanttocheck , search in followers follower user = $user , followeduser=$possiblefriend
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