Ruby on Rails externalising Views -

i'm lamp developer making switch ruby development. in php, can split page segments (to maximise code re-use) using separate php files each section. example of being wordpress, have separate header / sidebar / content file etc.

is possible using ruby on rails? equivalent of embedding controller / view view? far i'm bit stumped on way embedded because seems there controller has route view, i'm unsure bit try include.

what looking called partials. can create partial, such sidebar or footer, render template.

the official rails guide contains information using partials.

essentially, create file name prefixed underscore such posts/_form.html.erb , render view

<%= render partial: "form" %> 

you can specify absolute path views folder

<%= render partial: "/posts/form" %> 

the same naming conventions of template (e.g. format suffixes) apply.


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