javascript - requirejs timing issue - some bootstrap js doesn't work -

i running odd issue ever since starting use requirejs. issue seems happen on sidebar menu items can expanded see sub-menu items. requirejs module called @ end, before


tag, , other js on page works fine, not sidebar menu. appreciated since have been battling days!

layout view:

<body>     ...ouput ommited brevity     <ul class="nav nav-list">         <li>             <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">                 <i class="menu-icon fa fa-desktop"></i>                 <span class="menu-text">  devices  </span>                 <b class="arrow fa fa-angle-down"></b>             </a>              <b class="arrow"></b>              <ul class="submenu">                 <li>                     <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">                         <i class="menu-icon fa fa-caret-right"></i>                         ca spectrum                         <b class="arrow fa fa-angle-down"></b>                     </a>                      <b class="arrow"></b>                 </li>             </ul>         </li>     </ul>     ...output ommited brevity      @rendersection("scripts", required: false)  </body> 

the "dropdown-toggle" class bootstrap.js uses dropdown behavior.

child view has scripts section rendered @ bottom of layout view:

@section scripts {     <script data-main="/scripts/dist/app" src="~/scripts/dist/require.js"></script>     <script>             var ajaxurl = '@url.content(url)';         require(['app'], function () {             require(['casnodes-downtime']);         });     </script> } 


requirejs.config({     baseurl: "/scripts/dist/",     paths: {         "requirelib": "./require",         "app": "./app",         "main": "./main",         "jquery": "./jquery-2.1.4",         "jqbsace": "./jqbsace",         "datatables": "./jquery.datatables",         "moment": "./moment",         "momenttz": "./moment-timezone",         "momentdf": "./moment-duration-format",         "datarangepicker": "./daterangepicker/daterangepicker",         "highstock": "./highstock",         "highmaps": "./highmaps",         "bootstrap": "./bootstrap",         "aceconcat": "./aceconcat",         "jstz": "./jstz-1.0.4.min",         "shared": "./controllers/shared1",         "usa": "./us-all",         // controller modules         "casnodes-chronicnodes": "./controllers/casnodes/chronicnodes",         "casnodes-downtime": "./controllers/casnodes/downtime",         "casnodes-downnodes": "./controllers/casnodes/downnodes",         "casnodes-nodedowntime": "./controllers/casnodes/nodedowntime"     },     shim: {         "highstock": ["jquery"],         "jstz": {             exports: "jstz"         },         "bootstrap": ["jquery"],         "aceconcat": ["bootstrap"],         "momentdf": ["moment"],         "highmaps": ['jquery'],         "usa": ['jquery', 'highmaps']     } });  requirejs(["main"]); 


define([], function () {  }); 

casnodes-downtime module

define(["jquery", "moment", "jstz", "momentdf", "momenttz", "datatables", "highstock", "datarangepicker", "aceconcat"], function ($, moment) {     $(document).ready(function () {      ...output ommited brevity     }); }); 

you should use either

      require(['app','casnodes-downtime'], function () {        }); 


    require(, function () {         require('app');         require('casnodes-downtime');     }); 

don't mix them up.


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