javascript - My images won't show -

my images won't show when trying load page! trying make traffic light sequence (uk) shows colours when change lights button pressed!

<!doctype html>  <html> <body>  <h1><u><b>changing traffic lights</b></u><h1>  <button type="button" onclick="changelights()"> change lights </button>    <!-- creates button change lights -->  <img id ="trafficlight" src="red.jpg"></img>   <!-- creates first visible image on page , gives id can called later -->  <script>  var trafficlights = ["red-amber.jpg","green.jpg","amber.jpg","red.jpg"]  //creates array lights  var currentlight = 0 //creates counter variable  function changelights () {         //calls function , designs     document.getelementbyid("trafficlight").src=trafficlights[currentlight]  //calls image , enables changed     currentlight=currentlight+1   //adds 1 counter     if (currentlight>3){         currentlight=0     } }  </script>  </body> </html> 

your code works. must have problem image source paths. because works correctly when change images remote lorempixel.

working jsfiddle here.

try fix image paths in js. luck.

var trafficlights = ["","","",""] 


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