java - Add list of files in a folder -

i developing application , need save files in directory each user. half i've writen, i'm unclear how add files directory.

public boolean addfiles(string name,list<file> files){     string path = "d:\\server repository\\usersfiles\\";     file folder = new file(path + name);      if(!folder.exists())            folder.mkdirs();      for(file file:files){         //my code          //if ended success return true     }     return false; } 

if don't want 3rd party libs fileutils, , want simple code copy files, can this:

public boolean addfiles(string name, list<file> files) {     string path = "d:\\server repository\\usersfiles\\";     file folder = new file(path + name);      if (!folder.exists()) {         folder.mkdirs();     }      try {         (file file : files) {             fileinputstream fisorigin;             fileoutputstream fosdestiny;             //channels               filechannel fcorigin;             filechannel fcdestiny;              fisorigin = new fileinputstream(file);             fosdestiny = new fileoutputstream(new file(folder.getabsolutepath() + "/" + file.getname()));              fcorigin = fisorigin.getchannel();             fcdestiny = fosdestiny.getchannel();             //copy file             fcorigin.transferto(0, fcorigin.size(), fcdestiny);              fisorigin.close();             fosdestiny.close();         }         return true;     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         return false;     } } 


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