ios - Get phone (GSM) signal strength without use of private API -

i developing ios app in swift , need know gsm signal strength. aware can done private api's coretelephony's ctgetsignalstrength, app has go in app store, can't use private api's.

does 1 know of way check signal strength without use of private api's?

just quick idea if worried data transfer speed via cellular. place file on server (can image) , download it. measure time before , after has been downloaded. can repeat. if know download time connection, can decide time not ok.

you can request server few times headers , determine similar ping in miliseconds.

func evaluatedownloadtime() -> double  {     let start = nsdate(); // start time      // download process measure          let end = nsdate();   // end time     let timeinterval: double = end.timeintervalsincedate(start);      // difference in seconds (double). may need miliseconds.      return timeinterval } print("time measured: \(evaluatetime()) seconds"); 


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