How to keep formats when I copy a range from Excel to outlook -
hello have excel table formats 10(red) -> 15(green), @ end loose formats have in excel. use next code send , email range outlook
sub email() dim outapp object dim outmail object dim fname string dim hoja string dim rng range dim celdas string set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") set outmail = outapp.createitem(0) set rng = range("c3:q22") on error resume next outmail .to = "juan" .cc = "maria" .bcc = "" .subject = "xxxx" .htmlbody = "hey" & rangetohtml(rng) .display 'or use .display end on error goto 0 'kill fname set outmail = nothing set outapp = nothing end sub
and next function, copied next link how send mails excel
function rangetohtml(rng range) ' changed ron de bruin 28-oct-2006 ' working in office 2000-2010 dim fso object dim ts object dim tempfile string dim tempwb workbook tempfile = environ$("temp") & "/" & format(now, "dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss") & ".htm" 'copy range , create new workbook past data in rng.copy set tempwb = workbooks.add(1) tempwb.sheets(1) .cells(1).pastespecial paste:=8 .cells(1).pastespecial xlpastevalues, , false, false .cells(1).pastespecial xlpasteformats, , false, false .cells(1).select application.cutcopymode = false on error resume next .drawingobjects.visible = true .drawingobjects.delete on error goto 0 end 'publish sheet htm file tempwb.publishobjects.add( _ sourcetype:=xlsourcerange, _ filename:=tempfile, _ sheet:=tempwb.sheets(1).name, _ source:=tempwb.sheets(1).usedrange.address, _ htmltype:=xlhtmlstatic) .publish (true) end 'read data htm file rangetohtml set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set ts = fso.getfile(tempfile).openastextstream(1, -2) rangetohtml = ts.readall ts.close rangetohtml = replace(rangetohtml, "align=center x:publishsource=", _ "align=left x:publishsource=") 'close tempwb tempwb.close savechanges:=false 'delete htm file used in function kill tempfile set ts = nothing set fso = nothing set tempwb = nothing end function
ok found how made it, in rangetohtml(), when pasting values changed code for:
tempwb.sheets(1) '.cells(1).pastespecial paste:=8 .cells(1).pastespecial '.cells(1).pastespecial xlpastevalues, , false, false '.cells(1).pastespecial xlpasteformats, , false, false '.cells(1).select application.cutcopymode = false on error resume next .drawingobjects.visible = true .drawingobjects.delete on error goto 0 end
becase if made copy , paste dont lost format.
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